
Airports & Aviation

Client:  Major International Airport
The Problem

A major international airport identified business continuity and emergency response as critical areas for improvement. They needed to meet the requirements of the ISO22301 standard while aligning with their strategic recovery objectives.

The Solution

Darkskope was brought in to help the airport achieve their goals. They worked closely with the airport's team to assess their existing plans and identify gaps or weaknesses. Darkskope then developed a comprehensive business continuity plan that covered all critical activities and assets and aligned with the airport's strategic recovery objectives. They also worked with the airport to develop a robust emergency response plan, tested through simulations and refined, and built a world-class crisis operations center equipped with state-of-the-art technology and information management systems.

The Outcome

As a result of Darkskope's work, the airport achieved ISO22301 alignment, demonstrating their commitment to resilience and their ability to manage disruption effectively. The airport was also well-prepared to respond to any crisis or incident, with a world-class crisis operations center and a team of well-trained stakeholders ready to act quickly and decisively. Darkskope's approach provided a comprehensive and integrated solution that aligned with the airport's strategic recovery objectives, ensuring their ability to withstand and recover from any disruption.
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