Data Security


The security isolation layer for sensitive enterprise data infrastructure

Your data should not be physically connected to the Internet when you’re not using it, but that it does need to be available to you from anywhere immediately when you want to access it.

Disconnected.  Convenient

Goldilock v Conventional Storage

Patented technology that solves the failings of hot & cold storage while keeping all the advantages

Data is Stored Off-Line

Invisible, segregated and physically disconnected

Offline. Fast. Accessible Anywhere

Data & devices can be brought on or offline in seconds from anywhere on earth WITHOUT using the internet

What Goldilock Prevents

Social Engineering


3rd Party Breaches

Brute Force Attack

Vision Zero Day Exploit

Vision Quantum Decryption

Darkskope's 'Goldilock' RAAS Techology offer our clients next generation data security solutions.

Goldilock is redefining how sensitive digital data is handled by individuals and institutions. Our remote automated airgap security layer allows IT infrastructure and digital assets to be active and immediately available online via a non-IP trigger mechanism, while being physically disconnected and invisible from the Internet when not in use by an authorized user.


1. Users need access to their sensitive data quickly, but only occasionally and for short periods of time. Otherwise, online data is more useful to hackers than rightful owners.

2. Sensitive data must be isolated, secured from physical contact and related human error, and fully backed-up.


3. Sensitive data must be quickly accessible when needed..

Platform & Technology

Relying on a framework of proven technologies and innovative processes, Goldilock delivers a unique security layer to protect digital assets and IT infrastructure that includes:

  • Physical airgap disconnection from access networks
  • Regressive connectivity and non-IP signal processing
  • Biometric gateways
  • Device recognition 
  • Personal generated access codes
  • Two-Factor authentication
  • Optional multi-signature security 
  • Secure dashboards and live reporting on access and usage

When utilizing Goldilock's SaaS-based offering, the solution also provides the following capabilities:

  • Secured physical vaults
  • Dedicated per-user hardware for processing storage of encrypted data
  • Scalable physically-segregated connectivity solutions
  • Multisite encrypted data backup 
  • Fully-insured third-party guarantees for the extraction and delivery of data to owners on demand or in the case of business disruption

Goldilock enhances traditional data and endpoint protection by adding an additional physical layer of security previously unavailable in the market. Our patent-pending solution weaves together a completely new combination of the highest security layers and protocols unknown to hackers – and yet for the user it is uncomplicated.

1. Wallet is stored offline in an encrypted data vault, physically disconnected from the internet.

2. Using a non-IP mechanism, the user activates their wallet making it accessible over the internet.

3. User can securely access their wallet over an encrypted connection using a dedicated URL and access credentials.

Book a consultation

We’re here to help. Send us a message and we’ll get in touch.

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